• SENSES is a student focused multi-media lab focused on increasing sense of belonging for students on campus, with a particular focus on first-gen students. SENSES provides equipment and education around music production, DJing, podcasting, videography, and photography as a way to form community around creativity.

  • SENSES stands for Studying an Environment that Nurtures Self-Exploration in Students.

  • SENSES is located in the basement of Steele Hall in room 001.

  • SENSES is open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 5 pm.

  • Anyone a part of the SU/ESF community can participate in SENSES! We have worked with undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and staff.

  • Yes! SENSES loves working with beginners, and one of our core beliefs is that equipment and education around creativity should be accessible to everyone, regardless of major, socio-economic status, race, or any other parameter.